Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Farewell Tour

My last day in Paris. *sobs pathetically* I know I've said this a bajillion (its a word!) times, but J'adore Paris!!!! I don't wanna leave.

HOWEVER, I am also kind of ready to go home. To Germany. Not home to the US. I've been traveling for about 10 or 11 days and I'm kind of tired of living out of a suitcase. Not that I don't sort of live out of one in Weimar, but it is more homey than hotels and this tiny hostel in Montmartre.

Anywhoodle, I spent the day in the surrounding area of Montmartre. I haven't really been to this part of Paris much so I went exploring. First up, my new favorite boulangerie - Grenier a pain - for some croissants. But it was CLOSED! *cries* So I went to another local boulangerie, not as good, but still better than most places in the US! Then off to the nearby Sacre Coeur. The beautiful basilica is right smack in the middle of Montmartre. And only a few streets away from my hostel! Whee!

The white of the basilica is incredible against a sunny blue sky. It almost looks fake!

When I went up there, I wasn't going to go in. But I thought, what the heck, why not. So I did. And I was so glad that I did because they were having a mass there. It was about 1/2 over, but I caught a good portion of it. I said a prayer for my Mumsy for God to watch over her. And I loved the little nuns who were singing during the mass. One was playing a dulcimer like instrument. Not sure what it was, but it filled the hall. It was so pretty. What a wonderful moment.

Nearby Sacre Coeur is Place du Tetre. Arguably my favorite place in all of Paris. It is basically a square full of cafes. But in the center artists gather to pain and to sell their works. I bought a piece last time I was there, it is still one of my favorite things that I own. I saw it from across the square, it almost called to me. Luckily nothing called to me this time. ha ha! I don't have that kind of cash right now!

Place du Tetre is also filled with beautiful alleys and side-streets that look almost untouched sometimes. There were a lot more people this time, so there weren't many streets that weren't packed. The last time I was here, there was barely anyone. Interesting.

One of my goals on this trip was to spend 1/2 a day just sitting in a cafe and watching the artists do their thing. I did find one cafe and had an amazing quiche and sat under the outdoor heaters as it was a cold day. But I didn't spend as much time there as I wanted to. I was badgered by caricature artists again and again and decided to continue exploring.

Speaking of being badgered. There are people all over the city asking people to sign some sort of petition. They say it is something to do with deaf people and walk around in silence. But its sketchy. Hard to describe but trust me it is. Plus, I'm not French and I don't get involved in Politics, so no. But I was talking to my Mom on the phone and this girl thrusts her clipboard in my face while I'm talking. So I gently pushed her clipboard out of the way so I could continue on my way, I mean, that's just rude. I'm on the phone, dude. So she hit me and started yelling at me in French. Deaf my ass. Bitch. I found it hilarious.

I was also badgered by some asshole when I was walking around at night taking some pictures. I have no idea what he wanted because I was ignoring him. But he followed me for several blocks until he tried to touch me to which I elbowed him in the side. Jerk. I found this annoying. Not as amusing as the girl. What is with the touchy people in France? Sheesh. It wasn't a big deal. It doesn't really bother me. But I don't find people who get that physical back home in the states. Or maybe that's just cuz I am a Glamazon and people don't fuck with me at home. *shrug*

The sun started to disappear behind the clouds, the cold became more fierce and rain looked imminent. So I went back to the hostel for a few minutes to warm up and figure out my evening. I'd been wanting to spend more time in the Latin Quarter after my Anna tour yesterday. So I decided to go there for dinner. First though, I went to the Tuleries to sit and read and relax for a bit. Bad idea. It was FREEZING. The sun came back out, but the wind picked up. Luckily the trains are quite warm, so after about an hour shivering, I got on the metro to the Latin Quarter. I grabbed some dinner at a local restaurant. It wasn't anything remarkable and made me feel icky afterward. It happens. But after dinner, I decided to take a farewell tour of Paris. I mean, who knows when I will be back, right?

Notre Dame was close by, so that was my first stop. I haven't seen it straight on all lit up at night. Only from the side. So cool! Almost otherworldly! I expected Quasimoto to run out of the bell tower yelling "SANCTUARY!!!!!".

Next stop: Sacre Coeur.

I've never seen it at night. I was always a bit afraid of the area. Montmartre is home to the red light disctrict, which is where I was badgered by that guy. But its surprisingly safe. I mean, there are families walking and everything. Not a big deal. But like everywhere really, you need to keep a watchful eye out just in case. Especially later in the evening.

Which brings us to my final stop: Moulin Rouge

I went to a show the last time I was in Paris. They are the only ones who do the original Can-Can. No one else in the city does it. Not what I expected at all. Lots of half naked people. But not seedy or gross. Actually very cool and super sparkly. And we all know that there ain't nothin wrong with a little sparkle!!! tee hee! But I really liked it, and the last time I was there was with a group, so I had like 5 secs to take a pic that came out. This time I was luckier! Its so bright!

That concludes my tour of Europe, for now. I go back to Weimar tomorrow. I'm looking forward to it. Lots of work to do. No more vacation. Gotta get back on track and get myself out there for auditions and stuff. This has been such an amazing experience. I am so thankful for every single second that I've had here. Europe has always felt more like home than anywhere else in the world. I don't know when I'll be back as life has a way of throwing wrenches in the works. But I know I will be back eventually. And I cannot wait for that day!

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